Real Estate Agent Social Media Calendar

Real Estate Agent Social Media Calendar

Have you planned out your real estate agent social media calenar for the year? If not, you’re not optimizing your marketing efforts. Don’t get caught scrambling at the last minute or realizing you missed an opportunity for engagement. Download this real estate agent social media calendar and get a head start on your social media planning for the year.

How to Use This Calendar

You’ll see that the calendar is broken out into each month. Then there are two groups of dates and holidays for each month. The first set is the nationally recognized holidays. These are basic and easy posts that you can schedule today to post on the designated day.

The second group of dates is fun or real estate related holidays. These are a perfect opportunity to provide your audience with useful information. You can even tie it in with your blog posting. Perhaps you schedule a social media post that recognizes a day to check your smoke detectors. Then that month, you could have several posts about the importance of fire safety and how to keep your home safe.

Use a Variety of Posts

Don’t create the same style of post every time you wish to add something to your social media accounts. Sometimes, all you need is a quick text blurb. Other times you can post a picture or video. Links are also useful when promoting your blog and other content.

Changing up your posts gives you a broader appeal and add interest to your social media accounts. Otherwise, you become white noise and repetitive. People tend to tune this out, and you’ve now disengaged your audience.

Plan Your Social Media Calendar Today

It can be tough finding the time to dedicate to creating and scheduling posts for the year, especially when you’re thinking about posts that are three, six, or even ten months away. However, taking this one small piece of the puzzle off your plate helps you streamline the entire process.

I can help you accomplish this task. Put my experience to work for you in creating your real estate agent’s social media calendar. Then you can focus on managing your real estate business, knowing the social media is handled.

Real Estate Agent Social Media Calendar
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